Saturday, November 15, 2008

A "talk" in ur words

Got lot to say, but dont know how to express it? Well this a common situation most of us feel stuck into. I realized this as a thought flashed in my mind, as to how words form up as a main source when you communicate. Talking in an effective manner would inclide clarity, fluency and the way its put forth.

Reading the book"How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere" by "Larry King" answers to all queries on effective speaking. He proposed the various situations coming across his personal life and the various guests he met during his show.

Here are some of the key points i learnt by reading this book.

  • Speaking with honesty wil always fetch the desired results. It will bring out the true meaning of what you wanted to express.

  • The way we all love to speak and express our thoughts, we should also build in the habit to listen to what others have to tell us. In this way, we not only get to know what people want to say, but also encourage the ones who are shy to express their views freely.

  • Talking does not mean we talk all together in a single statement. Developing the habit of speaking precisely and in a humane manner makes people respect your thoughts.

  • There is an art involved in the way we talk to various people in the society. Talking to friends may be casual, but speaking to boss involves discipline and calls for being formal. Likewise speaking to celebrities, to people at various occasions involves suitable techniques and manner.

  • When we talk, we should see to it that the communicated message reaches to the listener in the way we want them to understand. This can only be posible when we take out the "nothing words" like the ones people use more often in their sentences( "You know" and "Basically" are common ones)

  • The most important feature according to me for a perfect talk would be Body Language. If your gestures, eye contact, facial expressions etc set right then you can be sure that you had the best conversation or best speech delivered.

We all talk to people for various reasons and purposes. Hence to be "Man/ Women of words" one should always enhance our vocabulary and our speaking style to match every situation. These "words" will bring up a healthy conversation for u all out there, forever!!