Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A mystery lingers around my mind when the very nature of shopaholics surrounds my thoughts. Shopaholics in general are considered people who have enormous time and hard currency(both notes and plastic card considered) to spend around satisfying all their needs, actually above their needs at any particular time. When such people do not mind spending money for all the essential( which only they consider to be), why dont they spend on things which are truly essential considered by the total mass.

Here are a few facts which lead me to think about this:
  • Shopaholics spent huge amounts on clothes, accessories( for their mobiles too) but they always have only single digit balance in their mobile phones.
  • These people roam around to various places in bus, not willing to spend for the auto fare.
  • These people spend thousands of rupees for a branded stuff, but bargain for every rupee at a local store.
These are just few of the instances noted by me. I wonder how people cannot afford to recharge their mobiles which costs way less than their single showroom purchase bills. All of u reading this blog could definitely help in resolving this mystery.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I have seen people pouring money in costly restaurants and posh places, yet they bargain with grocery waala for single rupee.
