Sunday, December 13, 2009

When things just dont go our way!!

Every new day in our lives bring in a new challenge to face up n live to the best of it. How diffcult it is to be calm ansd normal at these times. Most of the times we lose out our temper and feel being at the end of reaching what we aspire for. Its a natural human tendency to lose out hope at times when we are stressed out giving numerous try and not being able to achieve it within the prescribed time limit.

One such experience happened for getting a L.L.R for driving a four wheeler. With great efforts one reaches out to the driving school, submits required documents, thinking all done, and there emerges one hitch after the other, specifying this is not available etc. Rushing through for arranging one more document to running to the R.T.O to get it duly registered and taking up the test (keeping in mind that the R.T.O is open for such only for two hours). Here is when a gap is created between in what we percieve and what we expect.

At the end of it, when things finally fall in place we realize the various hardships that we face. But in the due course we forget to realize that their were lots of other minds and hands that played a signifiacnat role in helping us get what we wanted. Hence its essential that we control our temper and analyse how the process goes on, and if there are deviations that occur and not going as per our way, we should try to foresee those aspects ahead of steeping into it. Having control on one's self will help us determine our aspirations in a more significant manner.

1 comment:

  1. getting LLR is one step out of many for DL ;)
    All the best.
