Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Superlicious B'day

A day every year which we wait for though we dont actually do so. Yes its our b'day. Some people wait for it all throughout the year and party hard, some just wait for that day to arrive as it would and make the best out of it with near and dear ones. I fall in the second category, who wait for the day to come as it would and enjoy it and make it most memorable. This b'day which falls today(27/3) was no less than before. It was a day very fulfilling and ecstatic.

The day started off by thanking God for making me see this yet another beautiful day in my life. As it had to start off calls kept coming in every now and then. With the expectations of whose call would come up next it seemed more of guessing and winning game. Next came in pulling legs of friends for all sane and insane reasons and taking a liberty to do so as it was my b'day and no one would mind what i do today. Plans were set up with my siblings and two of my cousins who readily joined the league of celebration.

The outing went on at Citi Centre, with crowd pouring in maximum being a weekend. First place to head towards was the food court and make an attack on the dishes to satisfy the taste buds and not worrying on the calories that it would end in adding up. An order for pizza, followed by a small surprise by my sisters of the world's smallest cake was given. The enjoyment of sharing such a small cake seemed more than sharing huge kgs of cake. A chocolate cake with choco chips really tempted each one of us. After that we went to shop for a few stuffs and headed back towards home.

The evening followed by spending time at home and relishing the day's activities and a small surprise gift and a light dinner of sandwich. The could not have ended better than finishing it up by writing this blog. I really thank all who made this day astounding and relishing.

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