Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Movies....... Unlimited

Disclaimer: Do this at your risk, avoid piracy.

Wondering if movies could ever be seen without having to move out, relax with snacks in hand and peace of mind.. Having got a laptop added to various modes of fun, and the one included latest in the list is having learnt how to download movies from a close friend:)

With few simple steps to follow and a wait for about 8-10 hours, the movie of your choice is all available.

1. The first step would be to download u torrent from http://www.utorrent.com/download.php

2. Once this is downloaded, next would be to choose the movie, songs etc you would like to have. This could be found in the site http://www.mininova.org/
You would get a wide choices on all movies.

3. Here you would find Seeds and Leechers. The more the seeds the better is the quality and print of the movie. Another way to find out about the print would be to go through the comments posted, which could be viewed by clicking on the small blue box at the end of the Name column.

4. Once you search for the movie u need from the search box, click on the name, a page opens wherein u'll find "download this torrent". click on it and save it.

5. Once this torrent is downloaded, open the utorrent which was downloaded initially. Go to file-add this torrent. The file will start getting downloaded. In case u have to close your pc or laptop, u can also pause the download and start back later.

6. A wait around 10 hours and your movie is downloaded. The time taken depends upon the size of your file and speed of your internet connection.

It was fun learning this interesting stuff. Hope u'll feel the same too.

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